28.04.2011 Now you can find the WAREMA products Roller blind Trevira CS/Screen in the product database greenbuildingproducts.eu.
Your declarations for download: Roller blind Trevira CS
LEED Declaration Warema roller blind Trevira CS
DGNB Declaration Warema roller blind Trevira CS
The products fulfill the following LEED and DGNB criteria:
LEED New Construction:
- The used coatings fulfill the requirements for low emitting materials ‘paints and coatings’ and contribute to achieve one LEED credit within IEQ Credit 4.2.
- The products contain up to 28% pre-consumer recycled materials and contribute to achieve LEED credits within MR Credit 4.
DGNB Neubauversion 2009:
The product fulfills the requirements of action level 1 to 4 and contributes to achieve 10 (of max. 10) criterion points within Criterion 06 `Risks for the regional environment´.
You can find further information on www.warema.de.
you can download all required proofs in the product database on greenbuildingproducts.eu